Erin Lee Gafill

Erin Lee Gafill

Erin Lee Gafill

When you first walk into the Phoenix Shop, it's a dazzling array of color, scent and pattern. Since it's beginning our shop has been a curation of the unique and the handcrafted; a home to all sorts of artistry, both from around the globe and from right here at home. And nothing comes closer to home than the art of the deeply talented Erin Lee Gafill. Her paintings adorn our walls, each one a window into Big Sur's ever-changing faces. They are a meditation on the land that watched her grow up: its rocky cliffs plunging into the immense Pacific, the lone oak outside her window wrapped in light, the dawn echoing across the sky in deep blues and sharp golds. Each day carries its own beauty, and Erin's paintings are a record of her exploration of that magnificence.